Apex Legends: Family Business
Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary competitors battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the world of the Frontier. Developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by EA Games, the continuing episodes of “Stories from the Outlands” serve to connect players to their Legends thus heightening excitement and creating a great immersive experience.
With this cinematic, Puppetworks is back with another installment of the fantastic lore associated with Apex Legends. This time, we expand on the lore surrounding Ajay Che, aka Lifeline. Players already know that Lifeline, whose parents are war profiteers, has issues with her Family’s Business. This new piece shows Lifeline team up with Octane to raid a pharmaceutical facility for desperately needed medical supplies. What becomes clear during the raid is that Lifeline has shunned her “family business” and is truly dedicated to her new cause: bringing much needed humanitarian aid to the Outlands and fighting for a good cause against those who would do anything for profit.
Once again working with talented Psyop directors Alexei Bochenek and Jack Anderson, our creative vision was to bring the action to life with vivid lighting and colors, smooth animation, and a great soundtrack seamlessly syncing animation and music to pump up the excitement for this altruistic Legend. Judging by fan reaction and more than 3 million views, we believe we have succeeded in our mission.